PADI Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures Combined
This course examines the use of EAN-21 through 100 % oxygen for optimal mixes to a depth of 40 m. The objective of this course is to train divers in the benefits, hazards and proper procedures for utilising EAN-21 through 100 % oxygen for dives not requiring staged decompression. The combined Decompression Procedures will then examine the theory, methods and procedures of planned stage decompression diving. The objective of this course is to train divers how to plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive not exceeding a maximum depth of 45 metres unless taught in conjunction with the Extended Range Course. The most common equipment requirements, gear set-up, and decompression techniques are presented. Students are permitted to utilise Nitrox mixes or O2 for decompression if the mix is within their current certification level.
After this course, you will have more experience and should feel more comfortable in the water and simply enjoy diving more because you better understand the underwater environment and what pleasure it brings.