Bahamas Diving



Bahamas Diving Holidays - Diving Information


The Exumas is home to a barrier reef that stretches over 4 miles offering pristine reefs in relatively shallow waters. However, the islands are better know to divers for the number of blue holes and the Exuma Land and Sea Park located north of the islands covering 110 square miles. Here divers will have the opportunity to see many staghorn and Elkhorn Coral, mangrove forests, caverns and caves.

Long Island

Long island offers an incredible variety of diving, from hundreds of coral head and reef sites on the northwest lee side of Long Island to some 15 miles of explored northeast Atlantic locations. The lee is mostly calm, with little or no current; most sites afford a 'fixed' bottom, making for easy and safe dive planning and orientation. The Atlantic shelves and reefs are dramatic, with vast areas of incredible antler and other large-growth coral fields. The water here seems bluer, the fish bigger, and underwater scenery wilder. Every dive here provides a feeling of raw adventure and yet, the shore isn't far away.

In Long Island divers will have the opportunity to go on a shark feeding dive with Stella Maris or dive one of the world’s known deepest blue holes, Dean’s Blue Hole, at 660 feet from a gorgeous beach.

Bahamas Diving Holidays - Diving Information


3 Stars

Oct - Jun

14 Hours + Stopover

Beginner, All

From £1950

Stella Maris Resort Club

Bahamas, Bahamas Diving

Stella Maris Resort is a family owned resort renowned for outstanding, personalised service, exceptional island hospitality and amazing shark diving!

  • Beachfront location on Long Island
  • Beach bungalows
  • All inclusive diving package
  • Pool, bar & restaurant
  • Dive centre on-site
  • Chilled Bahamian experience


Friday, 06 December 2013

Fabulous Fiji by Marcelina Jesus on Sport Diver Magazine

Lured by the promise of world-class reefs and adrenaline-fueled shark encounters Marcelina Jesus ventures to the wild islands of Fiji.

Fabulous Fiji by Marcelina Jesus on Sport Diver Magazine

Harbour Island

Tour Type: Soft & Easy

Harbour Island is known for its long pink sandy beaches along the east side of the northwest islad of Eleuthera

Ardastra Gardens, Zoo and Conservation Centre

Tour Type: Soft & Easy

Ardastra Gardens is set in four acres of lush jungle, filled with indigenous and regional plants, and the gardens are undoubtedly one of the most memorable parts of a visit to the Zoo.

The Gardens of the Groves

Tour Type: Nature Tours

Explore winding trails through lush vegetation, cascading waterfalls and sparkling fountains. Visit the picturesque chapel, which has been consecrated and is a favourite place for weddings, prayer and meditation.

Destination Fact File


The Bahamas Diving includes all the outer islands which can be accessed via a liveaboard or internal flights. These are the more remote areas of the Bahamas which give you access to the more untouched reefs and less crowded shark feed diving.

The climate is subtropical, the beaches are pristine and top-class diving is offered, it is no surprise that the islands and cays of the Bahamas archipelago are some of the world's top tourist destinations.

Each island has its own charm and beauty, attracting thousands of visitors each year and offering something for everyone. Eleuthera Island, east of Andros, has long been a popular escape, with plenty to explore and enjoy. Long Island named after its 80 miles long has the world’s known deepest blue hole and some of the best Bahamian beaches and The Exumas with magical reefs and underwater gardens that draw divers and snorkellers. The main destination for divers is the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. This is a 176 square mile natural underwater preserve that can only be reached by seaplane or boat.

Air Temperature

Water Temperature

Destination Details

2020 early booking special offer, 7 nights for the price of 6 on Stella Maris Hotel

Bahamas, Bahamas Diving

Call us today to book your next diving adventure.